Important ↣ Seniority and DPC ↣ DPC ↣ SDE to Adhoc DE DPC ↣ DE adhoc promotion 19-07-13

SDE to Adhoc DE promotion - 34 cases 07-08-13
STS promotion order - Forgoing of promotion 08-01-14
SDE to DE adhoc promotion - Cancellation order on forgoing promotion reg 19-12-13
SDE to DE adhoc promotion - Cancellation order on forgoing promotion reg - Corrigenda 20-12-13
Posting on promotion to the grade of Adhoc DE Modification 30-07-13
SDE to Adhoc DE Posting-Modification order- Retention up to 31-03-2014 - 26-07-13
Promotion and posting of SDE to adhoc DE - Corrigendum 25-07-2013
Posting on promotion to the grade of Adhoc DE - for 50 SDEs 26-07-13
Posting on promotion of officers working in various Term cells 23-07-13
Posting of adhoc DEs in STR 26-07-13
List 5
List 4
List 3
List 2
List 1
DOJ pending cases of AGM adhoc - regular 10-07-14
DOJ of DEs - List 21-04-14
DOJ in respect of DE T on Adhoc basis reg 16-04-14
DE promotion order cancellation on refusal reg 13-03-14
DE promotion order - Retention reg 11-07-14
DE adhoc Promotion -Excel sheet 19-0713
DE Promotion and Transfer order - Retention reg 15-05-14
DE Promotion - Reversion order reg 19-05-14
DE adhoc - Promotion order - Retention reg 14-07-14
DE Adhoc promotion order - Modification 13-08-14
Date of Joining of DEs on adhoc or regular basis reg
AGM promotion - Relieving reg 18-09-13
Date of joining not yet received cases of Adhoc - regular DEs reg 11-07-14
AGM adhoc promotion - Retyention order II 20-09-2013
AGM DOJ reminder list
AGM adhoc promotion - Retyention order 20-09-2013
AGM adhoc promotion - Retention order 23-09-2013
AGM adhoc promotion - Modification order II 20-09-2013
AGM adhoc promotion - Modification order 20-09-2013
Adhoc STS promotion - Modification reg 07-07-14
Adhoc DE promotion order cancellation on refusal reg 04-01-14
Adhoc DE Retention order-16-09-2013
AGM adhoc promotion - Date of Joining reminder 13-05-14
AGM Adhoc JR date missing cases list
Adhoc DE promotion Retention order 01-16-09-2013
Adhoc DE Promotion order for three executives 12-09-13
Adhoc DE promotion order - Modification 12-09-13
Adhoc DE promotion order - Corrigendum 12-09-13
Adhoc DE Promotion order - Modification reg 08-07-14
Adhoc DE Promotion order - Modification order 22-11-13
Adhoc DE promotion order - Cancellation reg 19-05-14
Adhoc DE promotion Modification order-16-09-2013
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention up to 31-03-14 reg 22-08-13
Adhoc DE Promotion on refusal reg 08-07-14
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention up to 31-03-14 reg 23-08-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention up to 31-03-14 reg 21-08-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention up to 31-03-14 reg 22-08-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention up to 31-03-14 reg - IV 27-08-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention up to 31-03-14 reg - III 27-08-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention up to 31-03-14 reg - II 26-08-13
Adhoc DE Promotion - Retention up to 31-03-13 order - 03-10-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention up to 31-03-14 reg 26-08-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention up to 31-03-14 reg 23-08-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention order up to 31-03-14 reg II 30-09-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention order 31-07-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention order up to 31-03-14 reg 30-09-13
Adhoc DE Promotion - Retention order cancellation reg 06-01-14
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention order 3 26-08-2013
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention order 29-08-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention order 26-11-13
Adhoc DE Promotion - Retention order 27-11-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention order 26-08-2013
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention order 2 26-08-2013
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention order 09-09-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention order 02-08-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention order 05-08-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention order 01-08-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention order reg 02-09-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention order 02-08-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention order II reg 03-09-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Retention order I reg 03-09-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Posting order Modification reg 21-08-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Posting order modification 31-07-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Posting order modification 30-07-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Posting order modification 31-07-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Posting order modification 30-07-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Posting order modification 05-08-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Posting order modification 07-08-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Posting order modification 01-08-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Posting order Cancellation 01-08-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Posting order corrigenda 30-07-13
Adhoc DE promotion - posting order reg 26-08-2013
Adhoc DE promotion - Modified Posting order reg IV 27-08-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Modified Posting order reg II 27-08-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Modified Posting order reg III 27-08-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Modified Posting order reg 26-08-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Modification order reg 30-09-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Modification order reg 21-08-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Modification of posting order reg 22-08-13
Adhoc DE Promotion - Modification order 17-12-13
Adhoc DE Promotion - Modification order 03-10-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Modification of posting order reg 03-09-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Modification of posting order III reg 02-09-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Modification of posting order II reg 02-09-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Modification of posting order I reg 02-09-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Modification of posting order 2 reg 26-08-2013
Adhoc DE promotion - Modification of posting order 3 reg 26-08-2013
Adhoc DE promotion - Modification of posting order reg 26-08-2013
Adhoc DE promotion - Modification of posting order reg 23-08-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Modification of posting order reg 22-08-13
Adhoc DE Promotion - Modification and retention order 03-10-13
Adhoc DE promotion - Joining date discrepencies reg 08-07-14
Adhoc DE Promotion - Modification - Correction reg 20-11-13
Adhoc DE posting - Modification order II 06-09-13
Adhoc DE posting - Retention order up to 31-03-14 - 06-09-13
Adhoc DE posting - Modification order 06-09-13
Adhoc DE Modification order and retention order reg 04-09-13
Adhoc DE Modification order cancellation reg 04-09-13
Adhoc DE - Posting order modification - Cancellation 13-08-13
Adhoc DE - Posting order modification 05-09-13
Adhoc DE - Modification order 10-10-13