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Messages updated during the month of  Sep 2024


Last opportunity to write, review and report e-APARs of Year 2023-24: DGM Pers BSNL CO issued orders for extending dates for completing the entire process of e-APAR of year 2023-24 for Executives as well as Non-executives online through ESS Portal. Copy<<<>> 

Normally APARs are to be submitted, reviewed and reported by June-July and though many have completed this task, some have still not even initiated e-APARs of Year 2023-24.

Hence as a final opportunity to complete the submission of self-appraisal the last date is extended up to 09/09/2024, the last date for reporting is extended up to 12/09/2024 and  the last date for reviewing is extended up to 14/09/2024.

All other activities like disclosure of APARs , submission of representation and its consideration by Appellate authority etc i.e. the entire process of e-APAR is to be completed by 30/11/2024.   

The Mid Term e-APARs due to retirement or superannuation etc are to be completed within one month period in case of transfer within BSNL and within one month period in case of transfer outside BSNL .

The controlling Officers have to ensure that all their subordinates have initiated e-APARs in this extended timeline if already not initiated.  

The executives who have not initiated their e-APAR till now are requested to initiate the self-appraisal in this extended time period, as the chances for further extension of dates are less and it will not be fair to again demand for extension of dates as already many extensions are given and we should spare time for this important activity at least at this stage. 


DGM HQ ALTTC Ghaziabad writes to all Circle Heads conveying non-availability of Hostel facility at ALTTC Ghaziabad and for intimation to candidates to make their own arrangement for boarding and lodging for attending LICE /Training at ALTTC Ghaziabad. Copy<<<>> 

After taking over campus of the ALTTC by NTIPRIT under DoT, the officers in NTIPRIT are not co-operating and are interested to conduct BSNL Trainings in the NTIPRIT and we have observed ego clashes between certain officers of NTIPRIT and ALTTC and hence this simple allotment of Hostel has become challenging issue.

ALTTC Ghaziabad is the main training Centre of BSNL which conducts majority of trainings in BSNL but as the Hostel facility is not provided deliberately by quoting certain avoidable reasons, the executives attending trainings have to suffer by making arrangements from their own pockets as  TA/DA rates for AGM and below level officers are not revised since last 23 years i.e. from year 2002.

Despite humble requests and sincere pursuation by SNEA at all levels to address this issue with key stakeholders including CGM ALTTC, Director HR BSNL, DG NTIPRIT, and Member Services DoT, the matter remains unresolved. The intransigence of NTIPRIT officers has resulted in continued hardships for executives attending training sessions for the past six to seven months.

BSNL has proposed to shift major activities of ALTTC Ghaziabad to ALTTC Jaipur by conversion of present RTCC Jaipur, but as it will take further time to establish infrastructure required , the functioning of ALTTC at Jaipur will take more time. Hence under compulsions,  BSNL management is continuing all trainings including mandatory trainings at  ALTTC  Ghaziabad.

Every week about 200 officers are opting for training and all are sufferers and sometimes hostels are allotted on special pursuation by higher officers, but for all other executives, such orders are issued for making own arrangements as if ALTTC Management has nothing to do with it and their only role left is to issue such threatening every week. 

All these officers have to pay Rupees Five to Ten thousand from pocket for attending official trainings at ALTTC Ghaziabad and this cannot be allowed further and responsibility needs to be fixed or the entire expenditure is reimbursed by BSNL as per actual expenditure for attending trainings at ALTTC with own hostel arrangements.     

It is disheartening that such basic issues between a PSU and its administrative ministry remain unresolved due to the certain officers in past as well as present. If these senior officers cannot address straightforward issues despite repeated requests, it raises concerns about their capacity to tackle larger challenges of BSNL and every time intervention from higher level should not be expected.

A significant amount of unused space is available on the Ghaziabad campus, including the Kailash Block, Loading/ Unloading Building, and the Completed Academic Block. Unfortunately, NTIPRIT has turned a blind eye to this. Adding to the issue, the Bhabha Hostel has been locked, while the remaining two hostels, which have a capacity of more than 350, are being falsely reported with lower capacity by NTIPRIT to the DoT.  

Accordingly, we have submitted proposal for allotting Hostel /Staff Quarters  for ALTTC and BSNL Management also has taken up matter for making certain rearrangements for smooth functioning of ALTTC Ghaziabad, but same is not responded by NTIPRIT and these officers are pressuring to handover all Training programmes being conducted by ALTTC to NTIPRIT and for that forcing to vacate the ALTTC Campus even though ERP building at this campus is officially retained with BSNL.

This is nothing but continuous blackmailing by NTIPRIT and due to this, the executives in BSNL who are opting for training at ALTTC Ghaziabad are sufferers for no mistake on their part.

SNEA is committed to advocating for a resolution of this conflict and we  will once again escalate this matter to the CMD BSNL and Secretary DoT for kind intervention and seeking one of the following solutions.

a. Approval of Hostel proposal submitted by BSNL to DG NTIPRIT/DOT OR

b.   Allotting the unused Staff Quarters for BSNL for using it as Hostel and till time allotment of existing hostels OR

c.  To allow reimbursement of the TA /DA as per actual accommodation & food arrangements in private Hotels OR

d. To stop all the trainings scheduled at ALTTC with immediate effect till the hostel arrangements are made.

Let us hope that with high-level intervention from BSNL and DoT, this issue will be resolved promptly, and executives will no longer face undue hardship.  


GM Corp Mktg BSNL CO writes to Circle heads for utilizing the influence of sports persons in BSNL for marketing of BSNL products and Services. Copy<<<>>  


DGM Vigilance BSNL CO writes to all Circle Heads for observance of Vigilance Awareness Week-2024 from 28/10/2024 to 03/11/2024 and three-month campaign from 16/08/2024 to 15/11/2024. Copy<<<>>


AGM Pers BSNL CO issued modifications in posted Circle of SDEs Telecom who were under long stay transfers and have requested for change of Circle on genuine grounds and now their request are given consideration and posted to opted Circle. Order I <<<>>    Order II <<<>> 

SNEA CHQ conveys thanks to Director HR BSNL Board and PGM Pers along with team of officers in Pers section for giving sympathetic consideration to the genuine requests by the individuals. 


AGM Pers  BSNL CO issued Direct relieving of SDEs of Telecom wing who are under Inter Circle Transfers to all India Hard Tenure Stations but not relieved by concerned Vertical/Unit Heads or controlling officers even after written directions by Pers Section and now all stands relieved w.e.f. 03/09/2023 A/N. Copy<<<>>


SNEA Meeting with Shri Arvind Sawant Hon. MP Lok Sabha: Delegation of SNEA consisting Shri. M. S. Adasul, GS SNEA, Shri. Arvind Pal Dahiya, CS SNEA BSNL CO, Shri. K.K.S. Yadav, CS SNEA ALTTC, Shri. P. N. Patil, OS SNEA BSNL CO, and Shri. S. Sasidhar, EM SNEA BSNL CO had meeting with Shri. Arvind Sawant, Hon. MP Lok Sabha and congratulated him on his spectacular victory in Lok Sabha Elections.

Hon. MP Shri Sawant who is having deep knowledge of Telecom sector and has been at leading Hon. MP  to raise the issues of MTNL and BSNL employees and the issues of growth and development of BSNL in Parliament, was very happy to meet the team of officers in BSNL. He shared updates about happening in Telecom sector and need of roles of Unions and Associations in getting issues resolved. He shared much about the happening in Telecom sector over the last two decades and critically analysed the policies of Government and its impact on the Telecom sector in general and BSNL/MTNL in particular. He added that though he will continue to raise issues related to BSNL and MTNL in Parliament, there is need of active role of Associations/ Unions in the support.

We requested him for his support for implementation of third Pay/Pension revision for BSNL executives, he responded that he is aware about ait and this is genuine demand which needs to be taken care by DoT, but not given consideration by giving reason of affordability. He at his own discussed other pending demands of employees in BSNL& MTNL and assured to extend his support by all possible means. But stressed that all Unions/Associations in BSNL should come forward in support with strong unity. 

Hon. MP Shri. Sawant specially discussed about BSNL services in MTNL Mumbai and Delhi area and strengthening BSNL. On financial condition of BSNL, he shared that BSNL should keep focus on land monetisation and huge land is available with MTNL as well as BSNL and associations and Unions should pursue for it so that pending financial benefits can be cleared by Government. 

In conclusion, we conveyed thanks for sparing time from his busy schedule and he directed us to be in touch with him for different issues by timely feedback. Photos <<<>>


SNEA Meeting with Shri Shriniwas Patil, Former Governor & Hon. Ex MP Lok Sabha: Delegation of SNEA consisting of Shri. M. S. Adasul, GS SNEA, Shri. S. A. Mali, OS SNEA Satara MH and Shri. Nanasaheb Bansode, EM SNEA Satara MH had a meeting with Shri. Shriniwas Patil, Former Governor Sikkim State, Ex MP Lok Sabha and discussed different burning issues of BSNL and mainly issue of the implementation of Pay/Pension revision for BSNL Executives.

Hon. Shri. Patil, who is Ex IAS Officer, Ex MP Lok Sabha, and Former Governor Sikkim State is very active and known for his serious and to depth persuasion on issues for betterment of the society. Shri Patil, renowned for his active role and deep commitment to societal improvement, has consistently advocated for BSNL’s interests. His direct interactions with the Honourable Minister of Communications (MoC) have often resulted in positive outcomes, as evidenced by his recent efforts to address the issue of mobile handsets for the 700 MHz band allotted to BSNL. Letter <<<>>    REPLY<<<>>

During the meeting, Shri Patil expressed keen interest in the latest developments at BSNL and praised the BSNL workforce for their remarkable resurgence in the telecom sector. He remained optimistic about the future of BSNL and its executives, acknowledging their dedication despite ongoing challenges.

We elaborated him about the hardship faced by BSNL executives as Pay revision is not implemented in BSNL for the last seven years by quoting affordability clause. We explained that the loss and profit of BSNL is due to policy decisions of the Government and executives have no role in it. We added that here policy makers are given benefits of the Pay revision and executives are denied the pay revision and he was surprised to know the facts.

He responded that there seems to be clear discrimination which needs to be taken care of. He shared that as BSNL is providing services at the remote places where profit is not possible and these are decisions of Government of India and hence the pay revision can be kept on hold by giving reason of affordability.

Shri Patil recognized the unique challenges faced by BSNL in serving remote areas, where profitability is minimal, and acknowledged that these services are a direct result of government policy. He assured the delegation of his support and commitment to advocate for the implementation of Pay and Pension revisions.

In conclusion, Shri Patil promised to raise the issue at the appropriate levels and extend all possible support to ensure fair compensation for BSNL executives. Photos <<<>>


AGM Estt BSNL CO writes to all Circle Heads conveying guidelines for consideration of Inter Circle Rule 8 Request Transfers by JTOs/JAOs through Online Transfer Application Module in ERP System.  Copy<<<>>

Though the Inter Circle Request transfers of SDEs and above for all wings and cadres are given consideration through OTP (Online Line Transfer Portal), the Inter Circle Rule 8 & 9 Request transfers of JTOs/JAOs were issued in the traditional manner of hard copy.

There was much delay in the overall process and JTOs/JAOs concerned have to run from pillar to post for submission of application in hard copy and further pursuing it with different offices and officers and was a troublesome and tedious job depending on mercy of the concerned offices.

SNEA has taken up this issue and it was very positively responded by BSNL Management and mainly by PGM Estt BSNL CO who has taken special efforts for consideration of Rule 8 & Rule 9 transfers of JTOs/JAOs through Online Portal.

Initially, the process for submission of online Rule 9 Applications has been implemented successfully which was matter from the Circles to BSNL CO. Then work started for Rule 8 transfers, but as it was a matter between two Circles, it took some time and now all Rule 8 requests by JTOs/JAOs for inter Circle Transfers will also be given consideration through Open ERP/ESS Portal.  

Henceforth, all Rule-8 Transfer applications will be processed only through an online portal created in ERP/ESS and from 01/06/2024, no hard copy request of Rule 8 Request will be given consideration. It means all pending rule 8 Transfers are to be given consideration

The Rule 8 applications which are already waitlisted at Circle level are to be kept ahead of the waiting list created with online transfer applications received in ESS /SAP portal.  

The JTOs/JAOs and JEs willing to apply for inter-circle Rule-8 transfer may submit their application along with supporting documents through ERP-ESS portal only. This will also make the entire process of consideration of Rule 8 Request transfers in a transparent manner and present pick and choose practice adopted by the some of the Circles will be stopped.

SNEA CHQ conveys thanks to Director HR, PGM Estt, DGM Estt and AGM Estt along with her team of Estt Section and DGM ERP and his team for taking pains for implementation of online procedure for Rule 8 Transfers and giving relief to JTOs waiting for consideration of Rule 8 transfers.

With this we are hopeful that the JTOs/JAOs will find it easy in submission and pursuing his/her Rule 8 Request transfers. 


AGM Pers BSNL issued retention order of SDEs from Telecom Factory under Inter Circle Transfer as per the request of individual or as per the administrative request.  Copy<<<>>

These SDEs TF were under long stay transfer since two years and were force relieved through ERP in last week. SNEA has taken up this issue and requested for cancellation of these orders as TF long stay transfers are not going to help BSNL in any way. Now these SDEs are retained and we will continue for cancellation of these avoidable long stay transfers.  

SNEA CHQ conveys thanks to Director HR, CGM TF, PGM Pers and teams of officers in Pers/TF Section BSNL CO for giving consideration to these genuine requests by individuals recommended by concern NA/Circle Heads and giving them relief. 


AGM Pers BSNL issued retention order of SDEs Telecom under Inter Circle Transfer as per the request of individual or as per the administrative request.  Copy<<<>> 

SNEA CHQ conveys thanks to Director HR, PGM Pers and his team of officers for giving consideration to these genuine requests by individuals and giving them relief. 


AGM BRBRAITT Jabalpur writes to concern Circle Heads regarding nominations for JTO Phase-II training courses for the quarter Q3 2024-25 i.e. Oct-Dec 2024. Copy<<<>>


AGM Pers DPC BSNL CO writes to all Circle Heads regarding Entry/Verification of PwBD data in respect of BSNL employees in SAP/ERP. Copy<<<>>

As per DoP&T guidelines, the benefit of reservation in promotion should not be extended to employees based on a temporary disability certificate. Hence, to ensure that PwBD reservations are granted only to eligible employees, the SAP ERP has been enhanced with an option of drop down option of permanent Disability Certificate entry.